Dimension Labs Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) 100ml


Active Half Life Active Half Life 3-5 Days
Dosage Dosage 300mg – 450mg Weekly
Acne Acne Yes
Acne Water Retention Yes
Hepatoxity Hepatoxity Yes
Aromatization Aromatization Yes
Steroid Detection Time Detection Time 5 MONTHS


Anabolic Steroids Reddit

Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml, or (Anabolic Steroids Reddit) also known as NPP, is an androgenic agent drug. Which typically goes by the name of Durabolin in the market. This drug is mostly prescribed by the doctors and clinicians to treat osteoporosis and breast cancer in the female population. People who buy nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml also use it to stimulate muscle growth and provide their system with an overall muscular look and stronger bone structure. Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml as described earlier is an anabolic androgenic, which means it acts as an immunosuppressant and pain reliever.

Anabolic Steroids Reddit

Medical uses of Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml are of significant importance as this drug has proved to be vital in treating breast cancer and suppressing any cancer glands. Which trigger pain and inflammation in breast muscles. Doctors can also prescribe this drug to patients who are undergoing red blood cell deficiency. Be it due a medical procedure or an underlying health condition, this drug is given to enhance red blood cell count. Moreover, it also comes in handy to overcome muscle weakness and bone deterioration in patients going through surgery or a major operation in the hospital.

Dosage application and direction to use:

Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml for sale sign is something which has been on the up since this drug hit the world of medicine due to its sublime efficacy. Apart from its medical use this also used by bodybuilders and professional athletes who looking to enhance performance. NNP 100ml injectables are available and to be administered only by the doctors and clinicians. People who buy Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100ml UK also buy its tablet form which is to be taken orallyThe appropriate dose should be 50 mg if you’re taking it orally and should not take it more than 12 weeks. If you considering taking injectables then 5ml dose enough to take once or as prescribed by your doctor or health care contact.

Side effects of trenbolone enanthate UK:

Since NNP is an  anabolic steroid, it is prone to have some side effects. So, taking into consideration its dosage and direction to use one should always avoid its overdose or misuse to exclude the possibility of these health hazards:

  • Acne
  • Skin discoloration and rash
  • Voice deepening
  • Loss of sleep and appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fever and chills



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