

Original price was: $63.19.Current price is: $47.39.

The thyroid gland is important – influencing every cell in the human body, yet many people don’t understand its importance. Ignoring thyroid health can lead to a wide variety of symptoms – from weight gain to hair loss.† THYRITEby UMZU is a thoroughly research-backed blend of natural vitamins and minerals of the highest possible quality. THYRITE has been used by tens-of-thousands to support healthy thyroid function, weight control*, digestion, hair, skin and nails.†

  • Take 4 Capsules. Take 4 THYRITEcapsules per day with a meal.
  • Relaxing or Stimulating? Some customers find the ashwagandha relaxing, in which case THYRITEcould be taken at the end of the day. Some customers find the ashwagandha stimulating, in which case THYRITE could be taken in the morning.
  • You May Choose To Cycle. Studies suggest that adaptogenic herbs in THYRITE are most effective on a 5 days on, 2 days off regimen.


Support your thyroid gland health by supplementing with THYRITE. A properly functioning thyroid promotes metabolic health and weight loss*, as well as healthier hair, skin, and nails.

Your thyroid is a crucial endocrine system gland, so when it’s not functioning properly the health disruptions you may experience can be extremely difficult to deal with as they could negatively impact your daily life.†

  • Weight Loss*
  • Energy
  • Metabolism

Something wrong? Let’s make it rite.Support metabolism & thyroid health with THYRITE.


Healthy thyroid function plays an important part in supporting healthy weight loss* and management. Stay on track with THYRITE.†


When your metabolic rate increases, so does your energy! Feel more sustained daily energy levels with the support of THYRITE.†


By firing up your natural metabolism, you support fat loss, energy and warmer extremities!† Rev it up with the support of THYRITE!


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